Libby Pays A Visit
The weather was foul again today. They are calling it Scandic gloom and it certainly makes one understand the root of any drink problems there might be in any northern Scandinavian lands.
Fortunately for me one of the Stromness Selkies was on hand to make the day full of laughter and fun. She arrived in time for coffee and before we knew it, we were making our way over to Söderberg for a lunch of meatballs and oven cooked eggs on sourdough toast. It was an alcohol free meal but we shared one of the Semla buns for dessert. It will be hard to forgive her for pinching the pastry heart atop the cream! .
Although as a nod to the visitor the heating was on and the virtual log fire was crackling merrily in the background when we returned replete to the Dower House but it didn’t feel very warm after the restaurant and I felt obliged to provide my guest with a hot water bottle to thaw out her feet. Not the most ideal way to keep one’s guests warm, I have to say.
I meant to take note of our conversations during the visit but of course I didn’t and now I can’t remember them. All I know it they were far reaching- no topics off limit and most of them were hilarious in content.
She left just before it began to get dark to meet up with her husband who had been giving a lecture to the high and mighty on chambered cairns (I think). It was a lovely visit and we did laugh an awful lot.
Hast ye back Libby!
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