
By LadyFindhorn


There’s nothing like a blink of sunshine to bring forth the domestic goddess  hibernating  beneath my 4 layers of thermal clothing. There is also nothing like the visit tomorrow  of another Stromness Selkie to initiate a semblance of order and cleanliness into the Dower House. Windows were washed, floors swept, plants watered , kitchen tidied, clothes washing and shopping done.
It was all accomplished with a smile  and a general feeling of spring being in the air for the day even if that air on the other side of the glass was Baltic. I was even forced to wear a bunnet when I sallied forth, it felt that cold. The last few days have been so grey and dreich that today feels like being reborn into a better life. 

The Council Roads Department had obviously been ahead of the game for once and had gritted the paths in the  Meadows leaving orderly lines of salt untrammelled by rain or footsteps. I suppose someone had heard of freezing rain being on the menu….. but it hasn’t happened yet.

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