
By LadyFindhorn

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

I haven’t spoken to my patio daffodils yet, at least not in the way I converse with my avocado babies, Princess and the Pea and little Piddles. But I would like to assure these miniature daffs that they will shake the raindrops from their heads at some point, although when that will be I have no idea. It just won’t stop raining. We seem to have had more rain this winter than I can ever recall. I hope the reservoirs are happy because the rest of us are becoming depressed with the gloom of waking up to another dreich day and feeling the urge to converse with plants. I need to get out more.

On a more optimistic note, it has been warmer today, 10° and my weather app tells me that it might even be brighter tomorrow. Hallelujah!

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