
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 28/53
Main activity: Thurs - around the house
Notes: Slept off-and-on w/ bizarre vivid dreams. Awake for the day then before 7a, Shadow was up and meowing and I petted him for awhile before I got out of bed. Decided another day of qigong (did the shorter vid) and stretch yoga would be good so started off with those and then made a hot chicory drink. Still doing fasting but adding a little in thru the day. Online for awhile, still feeling really out of it. Was getting ready to lay down when I heard from Carlene needing a poster (again, right away). Didn't have anything else to do tho so jumped on that and got something sent off in an hour. Also heard again from Jeanne on the book project and we did a call (seems she may not need me to create images and add text now - the more we look into the process, the more things change). Now she's wanting a website for the book but the finished product is way off ... we did buy a domain name tho. Day warming up and lots of the snow melted - warmest day in awhile but going right back down after today. Watched some vids and had quiet night of streaming.

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