
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 32/34
Main activity: Wed - snow, TJs, nap, fasting day2
Notes: Slept decent, piles of snow when I got up. Did my qigong & stretching yoga routine and then had hot dandy blend (in place of coffee). Called TJs and said they opened at 9a (bizarre - I'm sure I was there before 9a recently and they all open at 8a usually). Took a bit to clean off my car and then did a bunch more in the TJs lot - roads and store nice and empty tho! Got more of the lemon cayenne ginger drinks, some carrots, a healing tea and a mix that's a coffee replacement. Also grabbed 2 big things of veggie broth as it's organic & clean ingred's. Had some of the juice and then elderberry tea when I got back. Around noon, was feeling like I wanted to lay down, didn't think I'd sleep. But woke up ~130p after bizarre dreams and feeling very agitated, my head was pinched-feeling and felt very out of it ... both cats were in the same place as before just looking at me! I took a hot shower then, that felt great and warmed some chicken bone broth and made a glass of electrolyte water. Watched some Janine videos until about 5p, popped up a quick Poppy soc media post and then fed the meowing Chloe and warmed up some of the new organic veggie broth I picked up today. Another quiet evening of watching some shows - finished season 2 of Tulsa King.

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