Looks Calmer than it Was
I was wary of going down to Porty today after reading the forecast, but nothing ventured nothing gained, so off I set. The positive side of leaving in darkness was that I couldn’t see the weather but I could feel no wind whistling round my bare legs and guessed from the lateish darkness that there was another day dreich day in the offing . On the negative side there was an East wind making waves and a very low tide making for a long cold dash to the sea. However once in the water we had fun jumping the waves with a lot of shrieking as the big ones broke over us. No actual swimming was involved.
The bus journeys home were slow but the heated waistcoat and the anticipation of that hot shower at the end took off much of the chill.
I had coffee at Söderberg reading my Metro newspaper before going to the Quartermile Factor’s office to have a rant with someone, anyone, I wasn’t fussy, about the disappearance of the balconists. They haven’t been seen on site all week and the big yellow pail I had to ask them to leave under my leaking down pipe was so full of water today that I found it hard to lift and empty. I actually manage to rant (in a ladylike way)at the very man overseeing the project and to whom I was going to write a letter. I don’t suppose for a minute that my rant will produce results, he seems to be as much in the dark about their modus operandi as am I, but I felt the better from getting it off my chest as it were.
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