Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

School Days

I went into school this morning with the balls I brought out for the physio here. She'd asked for them last time I was here but I didn't find them in time to bring them out. They were very well received. Some are sensory and some strengthening, but children's size rather than adult.
Mid morning I headed out to visit one of my oldest (longest) friends here. He has very advanced Parkinson's which is very hard to see as he was such an active dynamic person. His wife made me very welcome. I brought her some nice Arran Aromatics pampering things which I think she liked.
Back to school for some lunch, chicken fried rice today which Paysan to follow which I always enjoy. It's a milk pudding and takes me back to my childhood, except it is often flavoured with cardamom which are grown here.
My blip is a bird I spotted as I was going into school. I think it's a small hawk from it's flight style, but I failed to get a good shot of its head, the beak was definitely sharp looking!
It's a week since I arrived in India .

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