Here I am with my first Poori of the year and delicious it was too. It comes with potato curry.
Brief today, sorry.
I popped into school to say hallo but today is a public holiday so most staff and children weren't there (It is partly residential though so some were around). Lovely to see some known faces again and to be greeted warmly by staff and some of the older pupils.
I'm happy to say that I'm able to stay in my current room and not have to move which is a huge relief. I slept really well last night.
The only thing I might do is buy a mattress topper type thing as the beds are incredibly hard. Sometimes I've borrowed one of the activity mats I've had made for the school, I'll see if one is available when I go in tomorrow.
I've seen lots of birds yesterday and today: white and black ibis, lots of egrets, a sunbird and some drongos which have a forked tail like a swallow but are bigger, not to mention the innumerable crows!
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