Babysitting Duties
An afternoon with my hands full. Firstly picking up the kids from the nursery at lunchtime and then safely taking them home. Safely because the minky had already banged her head on something. Unfortunately half way home she fell off her scooter and scraped her leg. Some wailing! Though it did look quite sore. But once inside they settled to play very nicely and we all ate iced doughnuts with sprinkles. Gawd, they were ghastly things. And then the SK arrived to assist. And touchingly, and quite unbidden, small boy took her by the hand to go off and look at the play kitchen. Maybe recognised that was where she felt most at home though, haw.
Then off to meet P&K at OT to watch September 5. All a bit theatrical and cliched. And the ending…. the dumbstruck quiet faces…. Guff. Get outta here!
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