The Pensioner

By Pensioner

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Over to the yard to pick up MP’s sander and there was much happening. PL’s engine is up and away - a Bukh 24hp if you’re interested. He’s after £800. Meanwhile, in the harbour shed, oh dear. The return of the crabbit ex-harbourgrupenfuhrer. We have a new replacement winch. For the workboat. Useless, apparently. The old winch that GB’s most trusted lieutenant has had to repair and modify is no good either now - because, well, because he’s an idiot. He’s useless as well.  I peer into the shed and listen in awhile before deciding not to ask any daft laddie questions and beat a retreat.
Then, garden bag filling. Blimey, all the bags are rammed so I decide to make a late trip along to Seafield to empty them. The sacks are bulging, the car is bulging. It’s like a cartoon car and I’m a cartoon driver. Is there anything more satisfying than this?

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