On This Day

By Tweedy


On the basis of blipping what's in front of you I give you my amaryllis. It's in the bathroom getting light, warmth and humidity. Our friend M gave it to me in December and it's in full flood now. Curious plants! 

I had no blip time yesterday. Thanks for all the kind comments on Chessels Court and my Granny. I had a lovely time with my former colleagues. Some of them are still working at the old place which is a different experience than it was for me. 

As soon as I was home my daughter, elder son and grandson arrived. I really didn't need to eat again though I managed some pudding. Then my two 'boys' stayed overnight which was so good. Lovely to have my grandson here for morning cuddles and to see him racing round the garden, still in his pjs, with Flora. They've gone now, the house is quiet and I'll try to look at some blip journals between a bit of time in the garden and reading my book. 

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