On This Day

By Tweedy

Chessels Court

In Edinburgh today to meet some former colleagues for lunch. The trains are a mess but I managed to get here. I even had time to take a quick detour to Chessels Court in the Canongate. Chessels Court was the location of the famous St Saviours Child Garden -  one of the first free kindergartens in Britain - established in the early 20th century along the lines of Froebel's work with young children. St Saviour's was evacuated in WW2 and the extra shows my grandmother in full nursing garb working there with two babies. Circa 1942. At least I think it was Chessels Court. Both official and family records are vague on this matter. 

It's another lovely day. The blue sky is unfortunately blown out by the bright sun. 

Family visitors later today. It's all go. 

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