More Musings

A bit more work outdoors; I can see another bonfire will be needed shortly, and a trip to the dump with the bags and bags of rubbish I’ve collected. If the piece of ground I’m transforming is typical of urban errr open space, then future archeologists won’t find it hard to understand our civilisation. We drank excessively and gorged ourselves on sweet food in throwaway containers. And put dog shit in bags. And then threw that away too.
Then off to the Cameo - a very busy Screen One as this is so far the only showing of Werner Herzog Radical Dreamer in Edinburgh. Shocking. And of course, you can’t help but just lap it up. Some superb footage of Kinski on set during Fitzcarraldo, and those scenes on the raft in Aguirre… say no more. It’ll stand for all time. Maybe I should bury a DVD of it up the back garden. 

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