The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Waiting at the bus stop

What joy - the fortnightly trip to Art Tots and this time we make a cardboard bear! After lunch the SK took over and held an educational session or two about how the body works with Chloe and the Nurb, while I continued chopping the out of control vegetation between us and M&M. I need to be careful - the rotten old fence and trellis seems entirely dependent on ivy holding them together
Off to the Diggeries and with people abroad, at SJP or babysitting there was only me and AJ (SW turned up later). And he’d brought a chess set along, forcefully insisting that this was the sort of thing that chaps ought do in a public house. With one eye on Newcastle vs the Arse I indulged him, and while he studied the board most intently I went through a pretty standard opening which soon had him pinned back and a piece down. But then dear reader, my overconfidence undid me, and he saw his opening and rapidly counter-attacked. Hung out, I was. 
Anyway, Trump and Netanyahu have been meeting; one of the most surreal press conferences ever. I think we should just stop listening to anything he says. Bookings being taken now for the Trump International Khan Yunis.

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