
By Marionb

What is that...

..I see before me? 

It looks different than that usual thing the woman holds up in front of me and then begs me to look cute? It sort of looks the same but seems bigger maybe? If it is the same, she has caught me off guard...again..and drat, there will be another picture of me on the internet for all the world to see....and notice that I am overweight....which is so embarrassing. She never seems to catch my good side - which isn't as fat. 

Perhaps she has got herself a new thingy...and that would explain her absence today. Gone for hours. At last!  Peace and quiet..I love it when she goes out. The TV gets turned off! I don't have to go all the way upstairs to her bedroom to find quiet; I can nap right here in the comfort of my own domain.. by the front window ...lest there be birds. I hate missing the birds...and I can't see any from upstairs! 

But here she is now..back from her wanderings, armed with that thing that looks a lot like the other thing that can capture my image.. She has been waving it in my face and grinning from ear to ear as she tries to figure out how it works.

A smile! Now that is something I haven't seen from her in days! She has been angry a lot and even yelling at people on the TV screen. Imagine! She tries to tell me what the problem is, but I can't understand a word she says, so I have no idea what is going on. I just hope that whatever it is, it goes away soon. If she would just turn off that stupid TV, we both would be better off! 

Maybe this new toy* will occupy her for a while and we will get a break from the TV...I might even acquiesce and let her practise taking pictures of me to keep the peace. 

* iPhone 16 Max (apparently with some interesting camera features? )

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