Where the Ducks are...

Another sunny afternoon which warranted a wee walk in the woods down at the marsh. 

The last time I was there, the marsh was pretty much frozen over except for a very tiny section of open water - which meant that there were only a few ducks - and no geese - in attendance waiting to have their photo taken... As they are particularly fond of water, I assume there were all down at the lake which doesn't freeze? But wherever they had been, today they were back!   

With the recent mild temperatures and melting ice, there was lots open water again, and there were ducks and geese everywhere, sunning themselves, and cruising around in all that newly opened water...It felt like the good old days of spring...but it wasn't - spring that is..this is February! 

It has been a most unusual winter for us. It is February and there is no snow. I have snow drops blooming in the lawn and am now noticing little green shoots peeking up out of the mulch in the front garden. Crocus? Who knows? My neighbour says her lilies are trying to come up in her back yard and it faces north! ....All this in February?  This is really weird.... 

I am not sure how long this can last...and I do hope that when the blizzards and bitter cold of winter eventually show up, that these little confused plants will be able survive and will come up again when spring truly arrives..

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