Gwarchodwr ~ Sentinel
“What does the artist do? He draws connections. He ties the invisible threads between things. He dives into history, be it the history of mankind, the geological history of the Earth or the beginning and end of the manifest cosmos.”
― Anselm Kiefer, (Falling Stars, 1995)
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Aeth fy nhaith cerdded heddiw â fi ar draws y rheilffordd eto lle mae'r gwarchodwr (sentinel) hwn yn sefyll. Postyn giât yw hon, y darn olaf sy'n weddill y 'The Crown Hotel' a losgodd rhwng 2004 a 2008 yn ôl ac a ddisodlwyd gan fflatiau.
(Rydw i'n gwybod roedd y dyddiad rhwng 2004 a 2008 dim ond oherwydd ffeindiais i ffotograff a thynnu yn 2004, ac yn ôl 'Google Street View' roedd wedi mynd cyn 2008.
Roedd diwrnod prysur gyda ni heddiw. Tra gwnaeth Nor'dzin hetiau Bwdist arbennig, roeddwn i lanhau’r soffa a gwneud bara. Goginion ni un dorth yn y meicrodon ac un arall mewn popty pwysau
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My walk today took me across the railway line again where this sentinel stands. This is a gatepost, the last remaining piece of 'The Crown Hotel' which burnt down between 2004 and 2008 and was replaced by flats.
(I know the date was between 2004 and 2008 only because I found a photograph taken in 2004, and according to 'Google Street View' it was gone before 2008.
We had a busy day today. While Nor'dzin made special Buddhist hats, I cleaned the sofa and made bread. We cooked one loaf in the microwave and another in a pressure cooker
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Hen postyn giât, y darn olaf sy'n weddill y 'The Crown Hotel' sy losgodd i lawr. Ar ben y porth mae addurn sy'n edrych fel jar neu wrn. Mae postyn y porth yn lliw cochlyd, yr wrn yn ddu. Mae gan bostyn y giât ddarn o fetel wedi'i fewnosod, yn ôl pob tebyg yn rhan o ffitiad colfach y giât.
Description (English) : An old gate post, the last remaining piece of 'The Crown Hotel' which burnt down. At the top of the portal is an ornament that looks like a jar or urn. The gate post is a reddish colour, the urn is black. The gate post has an embedded piece of metal, probably part of the gate hinge fitting.
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