Wedi'i adael?
Wedi'i adael? ~ Abandoned?
“Powerful winds that crack the boughs of November! — and the bright calm sun, untouched by the furies of the earth, abandoning the earth to darkness, and wild forlornness, and night, as men shiver in their coats and hurry home. And then the lights of home glowing in those desolate deeps. There are the stars, though! high and sparkling in a spiritual firmament. We will walk in the windsweeps, gloating in the envelopment of ourselves, seeking the sudden grinning intelligence of humanity below these abysmal beauties. Now the roaring midnight fury and the creaking of our hinges and windows, now the winter, now the understanding of the earth and our being on it: this drama of enigmas and double-depths and sorrows and grave joys, these human things in the elemental vastness of the windblown world.”
― Jack Kerouac
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Un o'r canlyniadau o gerdded i ychwanegu pwyntiau ar fy map lleol yw cerdded mewn lleoedd rydw i'n mynd yn prin. Heddiw es i i lawr i barc ochr arall y rheilffordd. Mae'n edrych i fi fel y 'parc' yn ddim ond marcio lle stopion nhw adeiladu - heb warant ni fydden nhw'n dechrau eto - dim tirlunio na gwelyau blodau, dim ond tir agored. Mae'r ardal chwarae wedi'i gloi - wedi'i adael. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod pam.
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One of the results of walking to add points on my local map is walking in places I rarely go. Today I went down to the park on the other side of the railway. It looks to me like the 'park' is just marking where they stopped building - without a guarantee they wouldn't start again - no landscaping or flower beds, just open land. The play area is locked - abandoned. I don't know why.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Ardal 'parc' gydag ardal chwarae wedi'i gloi - wedi'i adael, yn y blaendir, tai yn y cefndir.
Description (English) : A 'park' area with a locked play area - abandoned, in the foreground, houses in the background.
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