A day of variable weather. Wet first thing, a drier interlude which we capitalised on by going for a walk then wet again this evening when I was out for a run.
Progress on the renovations today when the head guy called to set the process in motion. As we’re moving his advice was to dispense with too many niceties and focus on making it look tidy and clean (clean is not what it looks like at the moment) Prospective purchasers are not going to forensically examine the fine detail of a utility room by the front door!
He’s a good chap, coordinates all the different trades needed to do the work and they all are excellent craftspersons and do a very good job. He’s just not that good on timescales!
Today’s blip was spotted in Mote Park and stood out on a tree off the beaten track. At some personal cost I begot some challenging vegetation to bring you today’s fungus. Anyone know what it is?
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