Manylion, manylion
Manylion, manylion ~ Details, details
“The greatest glory of a building is not in its stones nor in its gold. Its glory is in its Age and in that deep sense of voicefulness, of stern watching, of mysterious sympathy, which we feel in walls that have long been washed by the passing waves of humanity.”
― John Ruskin, (1849)
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Yn y bore, cerddais i i grŵp Cymraeg. Roedd y dafarn mor swnllyd clywais i lai na hanner o'r geiriau, a deallais i lai na hanner o beth clywais i. Collais i y rhan fawr o'r manylion.
Yn y prynhawn, cawson ni ein hapwyntiad gydag ein awdiolegydd newydd. Roedd hi'n wych. Hi a brofodd ein clyw, a thrwsio fy nghymorth clyw chwith - roeddwn i'n gallu clywed yn well. Da iawn iddi hi. Gobeithio bydd y tro nesaf gyda’r grŵp Cymraeg yn well.
Mae'r ffotograff heddiw yw hen prif fynedfa i'r hen ysbyty. Heddiw ces i fy nghamera mwy gyda fi, felly ydych chi'n gallu gweld rhai o'r manylion yn y gwaith maen. Mae'n drist i feddwl am holl waith o'r seiri maen, tra mae'r adeilad yn pydru.
Rydw i'n dal yn trio ffeindio allan beth sy'n digwydd, ond dydw i ddim yn obeithiol ar hyn o bryd.
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In the morning, I walked to a Welsh language group. The pub was so noisy I heard less than half of the words, and I understood less than half of what I heard. I missed most of the details.
In the afternoon, we had our appointment with our new audiologist. She was great. She tested our hearing, and fixed my left hearing aid - I could hear better. Well done to her. Hopefully the next time with the Welsh group will be better.
The photograph today is the old main entrance to the old hospital. Today I had my bigger camera with me, so you can see some of the details in the stonework. It is sad to think of all the work of the masons, while the building rots.
I'm still trying to find out what's going on, but I'm not hopeful at the moment.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Yr hen adailad prif fynedfa i'r hen ysbyty, pydru yn araf.
Description (English) : The old main entrance building to the old hospital, slowly decaying.
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