Gosod i orffwys

Gosod i orffwys ~ Laid to rest

“A photographic close-up is perhaps the purest form of portraiture, creating a confrontation between the viewer and the subject that daily interaction makes impossible, or at least impolite.”
― Martin Schoeller

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Roedd dechreuodd trist i'r diwrnod pan ffeindiais i un o'r pysgod yn farw yn y pwll. Mae dim ond un pysgodyn gyda ni nawr, a phan mae ei amser e wedi mynd, chân i ni ddim mwy.

Ond mae bywyd yn mynd ymlaen ...

Treulion ni diwrnod (arall) yn gweithio ar lyfr. Mae'n gymhleth iawn gyda thestun mewn Tibetan, gyda thrawslythrennu a chyfieithu.  Ychydig mwy o ddiwrnodau, rydyn ni'n meddwl... Ond dim gwarantau.

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The day had a sad start when I found one of the fish dead in the pool. We have only one fish now, and when his time is gone, we will have no more.

But life goes on...

We spent (another) day working on a book. It is very complicated with text in Tibetan, with transliteration and translation. A few more days, we think... But no guarantees.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pysgodyn marw a osodwyd i orffwys
Description (English): Dead fish laid to rest

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