Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Smashing day!

A chilly one today, overcast and rather dull and I haven't been further than the garden. I received the recorded judging for our Photo Club competition results on Wednesday - it's been a long time since we actually had a judge here in person. It was normal at one time, giving the judge travelling expenses and accommodation, but with reduced numbers, reduced income and higher hall charges this would wipe us out in no time! Checked to make sure all was well, printed out the score sheet and otherwise made sure that everything was OK. Hand-in for the next competition on Wednesday - no rest for the wicked!

My Blip today is of the glass blown out of the greenhouse on Friday - I must try to get replacements tomorrow in case we have some frosty nights. I've also noticed today that the ivy-covered fence behind the greenhouse has blown over too and is resting on the greenhouse. I daren't cut the ivy down as since my neighbour has cut down all the shrubbery I'd be entirely without protection from the wind. I'll have to try to get the fence back up as it is.

Otherwise a quiet day before the next storm arrives!

Quote of the Day: 'If you live in a glass house, don't be chucking stuff about' - Karl Pilkington.

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