We took Bella for a circular walk across the fields and round by the farm this morning. In the top left of the collage she had run off ahead as she heard gun shots and is terrified of loud noises since bonfire night 4 years ago. These shots were from a shooting range somewhere, so at least it wasn’t hunters killing animals but Bella doesn’t know that. Frank had to run and put her on the lead in case she ran further. She has always had good recall but when dogs are scared it’s a different matter.
She is becoming increasingly anxious about noises and about Frank going out without her.
She doesn’t even want to go in the back garden. When I tried to take her round the block the other day she just laid down on the pavement and wouldn’t budge, she is a big strong girl and I can’t move her if she doesn’t want to go, so I had to let her go home. Poor Bella, fear is a terrible thing for animals because you can’t explain things to them.
Anyway, despite all that it was a lovely walk and we got ample Vitamin D!
It may be time for 40 winks now so I’ll be able to stay awake for the concert tonight.
Hope you Blippers are having a nice Saturday. ;-) X
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