Mr. and Mrs.
Woke up way too early this morning. Hubby was sleeping soundly. When it was obvious I’d not fall back asleep, I went out in the rec room and read. Hubby woke up around 7:00. I made French toast for breakfast for a change. Put some aside for Parker. These bluebirds entertained me at the bird bath while I cooked. I guess it is because we have tall trees/shade around the property, but we still have snow on most of our lawn. I filled all the feeders again and we had quite a variety of birds looking for seed, suet and water. We did two loads of laundry, including the bed linens. Hubby had some tasks in his study. My sister called. We made a plan to take our mother out next week. Sure hope her bad knee is on the mend by then. I decided to tackle the Christmas gift boxes and bags. Happy to report that the spare bedroom is now ship shape. Hubby is heading to the base to pick up meds and to the Commissary for groceries. It is still cold and my knees have had enough today; I chose to stay home. We have one more day of leftovers, thanks to my sister who brought us home made chicken and wild rice soup last night. It is the weekend already. Wishing you fun plans for the next couple days. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “Is there any sign of spring quite so welcome as the glint of the first bluebird unless it is his softly whistled song? No wonder the bird has become the symbol for happiness. Before the farmer begins to plough the wet earth, often while snow is still on the ground, this hardy little minstrel is making himself very much at home in our orchards and gardens…” - Neltje Blanchan
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