Signs and portents!
Today my guilt over the empty bird feeders got to me and I filled them all. I'm decided
to go looking for a better one for the nuts to try to keep the squirrels out - this may be an impossible task.
While in the garden I was very excited to see little tiny fish in the pond - they've been making babies! I managed to catch a picture of one, it's less than an inch long, but has a look of the shubunkin about it. I had spotted something I thought was a tiny black and gold fish a couple of weeks ago, but this one is definitely real. We've had the pond at least 12 years and this is the first time we've had baby fish. I'm beyond excited!!!! I hope it survives, the fish must be confused by the changes in the weather, they really should still be down in the depths!
We went out to Hopetoun for our free bowl of soup today and jolly good it was too. I treated myself to an extremely (well in my eyes at least) expensive, squirrel proof feeder, I wonder if I can take it back if it fails?
I also admired a nuthatch on the feeders at Hopetoun, it didn't stay still long enough to be photographed though .
I spotted the iris in one of my pots one the front garden, I can't believe I hadn't noticed them before. The snowdrops were in the back garden .
I popped into town today to pick some jam out labels up in Lakeland. They are reduced in the same and what's more they claim they dissolve in water. That would make life a lot easier I also popped into Sea Salt where I found a couple of rather smart tunics. I couldn't decide which to buy, so as they were already half price and there was an extra 20% off them today I decided to have both.
Back home there was time for an early dinner then it was off to bridge. For the first time in weeks we were both playing better and were rewarded by a win.
I am avoiding the news today I don't want to know!
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