Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

.... and we're off!

Spring is in the way and the new health is starting to show. My Sally's Shell hellebore looks like it's going to have lots of blooms this year. It's made an amazing recovery from the recent cold snap when it was flattened to the earth. Just look at the complexity of its flowers. Beautiful.
Sunday this morning and I was doing intercessions. There was a slightly smaller number today, but the quality was good.
I was delighted to see Anna back in church. She's from Kerala and has just graduated with a masters in Law at Edinburgh. So what is she doing with that amazing degree after so much work, you've got it, she's working in a care home. She first came to church in October and seemed to like us but hasn't been back. Today however, she was off work and so came to church and greeted me like a long lost friend. She asked about mid week services as she needs to work most Sundays. I was just very pleased to see her back again.
Day one of the cease fire in Gaza today and what heart breaking pictures of the destruction are coming out. I do pray that the truce holds.
I made my second batch of marmalade today, but I took my eye away for too long while simmering the peel and boiled away too much liquid. I topped it up with fresh orange juice though and all seems to be well. It's got an amazingly sharp flavour and seems well set .
I've got a busy week ahead with home communions and I'm also starting to get to the 'need to see if any of my India clothes still fit me' stage. I went thorough trousers this evening and looks like I'll have plenty. My case is in the dining room, so I'll bring it through and make a start on filling it . Just over two weeks till I leave.

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