Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


We may still be in Epiphany, but somehow this year I've lost heart and so I've taken down the nativity scene. Eilidh will be most pit oot that the Magi haven't had full exposure. However packed away they are.
I have so many books for children, one of the drawbacks of being a teacher and the fact that I just can't walk past the children's books in charity shops. These are the board books which Josie loves. She'll be pleased to see them on their shelf again now the Nativity scene has been put away. Last week when she was here she looked at the Nativity scene and said 'Oh, more people! Hallo.'- the Kings having arrived since she was last here!
There are shelves of books in the sitting room for Eilidh and Isobel but they are more particular in their choices these days. Josie will benefit from the huge collection of pre school books as she grows. I still have lots of my own girls books in boxes which have never quite made the way into the playroom in time, which is a shame. They were the cream of the crop.
Today I had lunch with a group of Edinburgh Cursillista friends, we have a less formal gathering about this time of year. Normally I'm planning to head off to India at this time but Bonnie's arrival and Colin's mum's recent increasing fragility have meant I haven't planned that this year. The best time to visit is February/March so the window is rapidly closing. Maybe that's contributed to my lack of enthusiasm at the moment.
When I got home at around 3pm I went to lie down and woke with a start to the realisation that it was 7pm. I hope that doesn't stop me sleeping tonight. Ah well, Sunday tomorrow and I've lots to do at church and afterwards so I won't have time to sleep .
Forgot to say, Bonnie was officially registered yesterday, it's now all done by phone, which is rather strange. She is Bonnie Carol, the Carol is for her Great-Nana, which pleased her when we went to visit last week. Bonnie is three weeks old now. How time passes.

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