Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


It's all that's left of my decorations. A barely used table centre . It's lasted very well and thank goodness for that as I haven't taken any other pictures today!
I took a friend to our annual Cursillo Epiphany party. The group has grown smaller every year. I heard yesterday that the lady who sponsored me to go to a Cursillo course back in 1989 died on Hogmanay, which I was very sorry to hear. It's not often that you can look back to a particular action or day and say categorically that that changed my life. Not going to Cursillo would have meant that apart from being so involved in the organisation itself and its rule of life. I wouldn't have gone to India in 1997 or for almost each of the next almost 30, years. What a huge part of my life not to have happened. I owe Pat and get husband David who died last April, so very much.
Other than that outing, I've done very little today. I wrote the prayers for church tomorrow, that's always rather demanding. It clearly wore me out as I went for a nap afterwards!
This evening we enjoyed watching the final Harry Potter film. I'd forgotten how good it was.

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