Today’s job.
I spent all morning and some of the afternoon making marmalade. It got a bit complicated towards the end as I did not have a preserving pan and, having bought rather too many Seville oranges, it was difficult to stop the jam boiling over and there were a lot of things happening at once! Nevertheless, it all turned out well and I now have 13 pots which should last me a good while. I blipped the last time I made a batch and that must have been about five years ago so I hope this lot will lasts me a similar length of time. A second roofer came to give an estimate for cleaning the gutters, removing moss from the roof, replacing broken tiles and applying an anti moss treatment. He said the expensive waterproofing product proposed by the first roofer was not necessary and a waste of money for reasons he explained. I have decided to accept his estimate. I also got the estimate from the electrician for the new kitchen. We have decided to go ahead with the project.
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