A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Texas - Oh My God My Cards Are Amazing - Hold 'Em

My folks gave the kids each 10 Euros holiday money which goes a long way in the Oriental Bazaar. It bought Jackson a whole Casino, with change. So tonight, after dinner, Carlos taught us all Texas Hold 'Em. The kids are naturals at all things cards with the exception of anything which might be loosely described as a poker face. Cost J a lot of chips when we all folded early on. Harsh but hopefully he may learn. Eventually. Obviously we've taken care of all the major life lessons of parenting already before moving on to the supplementary gambling section before anyone reports us to social services.

Dinner is worthy of a mention not only because it was so nearly a total write-off with us both multi-slacking quite spectacularly. But we pulled it out of the bag so successfully that we had to retreat indoors to eat to escape the swarm of flies and neighbourhood cats after our BBQ'd swordfish. And watched another episode of Blackadder which has been a huge hit with the kids. Tonight was the dictionary episode of Blackadder the Third which is one of my absolute favourites. Tonight's blip was very nearly a picture of the kids watching it. Or Carl. It's so nice to introduce them to things we enjoy.

Only other thing I want to note from the day is my solo trip to Aki to buy new chairs. The chairs are great but more as I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to driving over here and only do it when I have no choice. So it was good for me and quite liberating to head off and not only be successful on a mission to fit 6 chairs in medium sized car but also quite enjoy the whole thing.

And of course there were many sessions in the pool. After all it is quite hot.

Lesley x

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