
By Grammy

Let the Undecorating Begin

We had several jobs on our to do list as you would expect after being away from home. My first task was filling the bird feeders. It did not take long before every feeder was being used. Hubby replenished their water source. He put away the statues in our crèche. While he picked up meds and standard groceries, I started staging Christmas decorations in the dining room. Hubby will bring down their storage boxes tomorrow. We had a little snow shower this afternoon, no accumulation but our lawn is still white from previous snows. It is really pretty. Hubby’s KofC financial advisor stopped by to set up an annually recurring required minimum distribution for one of his accounts. I really do not get involved in our investments but at our age, I should become familiar with what we have and where. Hubby keeps great records for us. One of our close friends was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He was an aerospace engineer and very active in our church and community. It seems to us this terrible disease attacked him overnight. I know he has been a bit forgetful but at 80, that is pretty normal. His sister (he has no wife or children) is making arrangements to move him to a senior assisted living center in Va. So sad. Hopefully there are relatives in that area to visit him. And that is why I need to pay more attention. Hubby’s mom had Alzheimer’s in her 70’s! It’s frightening. I had a few returns to Amazon and we were scheduled to pick up Brooklyn from her JNHS meeting after school. Renee had some leftovers to share; we traded her food for a practically new jacket. Our evening should be quiet. Wishing you the same. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “It may be time to put away the Christmas decorations, but DO NOT put away your Christmas Spirit. Keep it all year.” - Charles Schultz

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