If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


A couple of days ago Kanyl and I went to Beetham Nurseries Orchid Day.  I didn't mention having made any purchases.  Either you don't know me or you are naive if you think I can visit such an event and come away empty handed.

So my choice was another Paphiopedilum at a very good price.  It gave no details of species or variety so perhaps that was why the price was so good.  However having had success with my other Paph I am fairly confident I can cope.  One thing it tells me is it can stand lower temperatures then my P maudiae.  How do I know this?  Well the leaves are plain green where as maudiae has leaves covered in light blotches.  Plain leaves can stand temperatures down to 10°C where as the patterned leaves only 15°C. 

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