If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Stock Dove ( Columba oenas )

Clickychick had an appointment in Carlisle, so we headed up in the morning to check out rugs for the Lodge after the up coming alterations.  Then lunch and off to her appointment,

Then we headed home.  As we walked into the living room CC looked through the window and said "Hello I haven't seen yo for a while".  She was talking about a Stock Dove (occasional visitors to the garden).   It was very obliging and stayed around the garden while I got the camera and changed lenses.

Somebody is thinking "it's just a young Woodpigeon.  Nope.  They are saller and more lightly built than either Woodpigeons or feral pigeons.  They have no white on them.  Woodpigeons have a white neck mark and white in the wings,  "Blue Bars" the only feral pigeon vaguely similar in colour has a white rump and two complete black bars in each wing.

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