
By ayearinthelife

Tap Turn On The Water

Well, one of them does anyway! With temperatures finally rising above freezing for the first time in over a week, I thought I’d better see what damage had been done to the pipes in the garage.
First, the good news. The cold water feed turned on, water started flowing and there were no burst pipes.
Now the bad news. I could hear water escaping somewhere around the washing machine. Isolated the machine and pulled it out to investigate. All the hoses were fine, but water was definitely escaping from somewhere. Eventually, after getting the top off the machine, I discovered that the inlet valve had split. New washing machine would be around £300 but, fortunately, I found I could buy a replacement valve online for under £20 including postage. Won’t arrive until the weekend so a friend has said we can put a load through her machine in the meantime. At least we’ll have clean underwear for the rest of the week!
Second bit of bad news is - as you can see in the picture - that the isolater tap for the hot water feed has come apart, presumably due to ice. I’ve not been able to put it all back together and have put a (non-urgent) call in to the plumber. Don’t really need hot water in the garage, but I’d like to get the tap fixed to prevent the possibility of further leaks from that area.
Hopefully the garage floor will have dried out by the time the replacement valve arrives…

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