The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Around the neighbourhood.

Yes, a walk. This was because I found I’d left a pair of gloves out in the garden. One was lying in my tattie bed, the other was nowhere to be seen. Foxes, y’see. They make off with anything like that. So over to Go Outdoors we did go. Tis not the time of year to be without glovvies.
And back via the yard, bumping into Tam and also newly single young K. We were taken aback by that news as he and his partner J  always seemed such a good match - and J seemed to have had a a really positive effect on K, who can be shall we say, slightly volatile. 
And I hauled the flag back up from half mast as Keith’s funeral is now past. To be told shortly thereafter by Mark that he’d already done it but was told to lower it again by JA (a stickler for this sort of thing) as we have another funeral upcoming at the end of the month. Down it came again. Maybe we should just keep it there permanently. 

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