
By tridral

Dechreuad coedwig

Dechreuad coedwig  ~ The beginning of a forest

“The difference between the casual impression and the intensified image is about as great as that separating the average business letter from a poem. If you choose your subject selectively -- intuitively -- the camera can write poetry.”
― Harry Callahan

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Cerddais i i fyny i'r gyfnewidfa'r bore hwn. Rydw i'n anystwyth ac ychydig yn boenus (painful) peth cyntaf yn y bore ac mae'n helpu fi os rydw i'n mynd allan i gerdded.

Roedd yn dda iawn i weld y coed yn tyfu ac rydw i'n meddwl mai gan y cyngor cynlluniau i blannu mwy - hyd yn oed coed ffrwythau. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn siarad am y 'Coedwig Caerdydd' am flynyddoedd, felly mae'n dda i weld rhywbeth yn cael ei wneud.

Gwnes i ychydig o 'swyddi pum munud' heddiw.  Os rydw i'n gallu gwneud rhywbeth ar unwaith, gwnaf, oherwydd bydda i'n gallu anghofio yn hawdd. Beth bynnag mae'n teimlo'n well nad ychwanegu at restr gwaith.  Roedd dadflocio sinc (a sink) yn ddiddorol. Roedd tair modfedd o rywbeth fel jeli du yna. Doedd dim syniad gyda ni bethe oedd e.

Rydyn ni parhau gweithio ar lyfrau, ac rydw i'n gwneid tipyn bach o gyfieithu ar wefan newydd y grŵp Bwdist.
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I walked up to the interchange this morning. I'm stiff and a little painful first thing in the morning and it helps me if I go out for a walk.

It was very good to see the trees growing and I think the council has plans to plant more - even fruit trees. We've been talking about the 'Forest of Cardiff ' for years, so it's good to see something being done.

I did a few 'five minute jobs' today. If I can do something right away, I will, because I can easily forget. Anyway it feels better than adding to a work list. Unblocking sink (and sink) was interesting. There was three inches of something like black jelly there. We had no idea what it was.

We continue to work on books, and I've been doing a bit of translation on the new website of the Buddhist group.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Coed ar Parc Celtic, cyfnewidfa Gabalfa, golau bore cynnar.

Description (English) : Trees at Celtic Park, Gabalfa interchange, early morning light. 

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