Amseroedd o newid
Amseroedd o newid ~ Times of change
“We are, each of us, largely responsible for what gets put into our brains, for what, as adults, we wind up caring for and knowing about. No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain, we can change ourselves.”
― Carl Sagan
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Cerddais i i fyny'r grŵp Cymraeg eto heddiw. Mae'n llai na 5000 cam ffeindiais i heddiw. Roeddwn i'n dipyn bach hwyr yn anffodus- collais i gyfrif o'r amser,. Ces i sgwrs dda gyda dyn o'r enw Norman. Roedd rhai i fi esbonio fy enw a rhywbeth am Fwdhaidd iddo fe ac i'r bwrdd cyfan. Wel, rhoddodd rywbeth i mi siarad amdano. Bydda i'n ceisio cyrraedd ar amser wythnos nesa.
Roeddwn i grwydro o gwmpas yr hen ysbyty ar fy ffordd adre. Dyma'r un lle fel mewn ffotograff y wythnos diwethaf. Rydw i'n meddwl daw'r dydd pan mae e wedi mynd ac roeddwn i eisiau tynnu cwpl o ffotograffau fel cofroddion. Byddai'n well gen i os byddai'r cyngor yn rhoi'r lle yn ôl mewn gwasanaeth. Ond dydw i ddim yn meddwl y byddan nhw. Cywilydd. Byddai'n gwneud ysbyty da.
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I walked up the Welsh group again today. It's less than 5000 steps I found today. I was a bit late unfortunately - I lost count of the time. I had a good chat with a man called Norman. There were some for me to explain my name and something about Buddhist (Buddhism) to him and to the whole table. Well, it gave me something to talk about. I will try to arrive on time next week.
I was wandering around the old hospital on my way home. This is the same place as in last week's photograph. I think the day will come when he is gone and I wanted to take a couple of photographs as souvenirs. I would prefer if the council put the place back into service. But I don't think they will. Shame. It would make a good hospital.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Tŵr o'r hen ysbyty, dioddef o esgeulus.
Description (English) : Tower of the old hospital, suffering from neglect.
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