My Mum
As it would have been her Birthday today and she would have been 121 I decided to look for some old photographs and found this one, and here she is with her sisters. Mum is in the middle, her elder sister, Aunt Sybil on the right and Aunt Janet, the youngest, on the left. Looks like Mum was wearing a school uniform or perhaps she was at the Art College in Harrogate then. I never knew my maternal Grandfather. He married a lady called Fanny Fox and they had 3 daughters, Alice, Dorothy & Margaret but Fanny died when the girls were very young. My Grandfather married again to a Miss Gwendoline Wilkinson (my Grandmother, who I only knew briefly) and they had 5 children: Sybil, Mum, Janet and later Uncle Tonks and Uncle David. Sadly my Grandfather died before I was born and I only remember Aunt Margaret from his previous marriage. I think I was considered a war wound an afterthought, my brother and sister being a good few years older than me and as I went to boarding school very young they weren’t around much when I was at home. Now there’s only me left, apart from cousins and Gt. Nieces and Gt. Nephews.
A slightly warmer day today with some low but positive temps, so Mr HB took to the skies again and whilst C was out too I popped down the road to have a few hours with my friend K to start planning our future caravan and m’home adventures. Our choices so far: The Peak District, Yorkshire, Pembrokeshire and there’ll be a couple of air shows somewhere to be researched to keep the boys happy!!
Happy birthday Mum, goodness knows what you are all doing in Extra? x
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