Walking with a friend
We set off a bit earlier than usual to walk to school and on the way the girls met up with a friend, who is in the Juniors. Bella and Hetty are in year one of the infants.
They are in different classes and there is an initiative on to get the to talk to the whole class. They have to talk for two minutes on a subject of their choosing.
Hetty chose to talk about how to make slime. She had a slime making 'machine' for Christmas and has become really good at operating it.
Bella chose to talk about turtles and took my turtle mug in as a prop for her talk. She also talked about how I used to carry turtles back to the sea on a dawn patrol. Poor turtles would be exhausted after laying their eggs and, if they timed the tides wrong, they can get stranded on the beach when the sun comes up and they quickly die in the suns heat. This is Oman where I did this, with others of course, I couldn't carry the huge turtles alone.
I was very proud of Hetty when the teacher said she did very well and they wanted to keep her equipment for the next stage, which is presenting to the school. It goes on until one child, from the County, comes out on top. The reason we are very proud of Hetty is she can become extremely shy and nervous if she has to perform in front of a crowd. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to stand up, even in front of her own class, and present.
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