Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Waxing Gibbous Moon

When Hubs and I were driving home after dinner Sunday night, I looked at the little crescent moon and remarked that if it weren't so blasted cold, I'd take my camera out when we got home and take some shots.  Well, today, I decided to have a look up at the sky before the sun was all the way down and spotted this lovely moon.  I experimented with some different settings - although didn't take a lot of time because it is brutally cold and blustery out there.  I converted this to mono and tweaked the blacks to darken the background sky all the way.  Happy enough with the way it came out although there is room for improvement...which bis really what I love about photography.  You never get to the point where it's perfect.  

As already stated, it is another very cold, windy day. ax wants no part of going outside other than for the barest necessities.  I have a warm sweater on him when he goes out, but he still gets cold.  He is currently draped across my lap while I juggle the laptop over his back and try to write this...

Hubs is braving the elements in the City today - I don't envy him as it can be very unpleasant when the winds whip down the avenues and between the buildings.  

Watched a bit of the news about the horrific wild fires in Southern California.  I lived in the Los Angeles area for a little over 8 years in my younger days and I never remember having fires this time of year.  The devastation is shocking and my heart goes out to the many people who've lost everything.  Meanwhile, the future leader of the US is threatening to use force to take over Greenland and the Panama Canal.  WTH?


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