Eu gweld trwy'r iâ
Eu gweld trwy'r iâ ~ See them through the ice
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”
― Albert Schweitzer
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Es i yn ôl i Shibashi heddiw, dosbarth cyntaf y flwyddyn. Mae Dydd Blwyddyn Newydd yn ymddangos mor amser hir yn ôl roedd yn teimlo rhyfedd y dweud 'Blwyddyn Newydd Dda' i bobol. Piciais i mewn i 'Iechyd Da' pryn cwpl o bethau ac i ddiolch i Alwen am ei chyngor am y grŵp sgwrsio. Mae e wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i mi i dreulio awr bob wythnos gyda phobl sy'n siarad Cymraeg.
Mae Nor'dzin yn ysgrifennu cyflwyniad i'r grŵp Bwdist am brosiect crefft gwnaethon ni diwedd y ganrif diweddaf. Credwn ni ei fod y prosiect crefft gyntaf yn ein grŵp. Bydd Nor'dzin yn rhoi ei chyflwyniad ar Zoom yfory.
Mae fy ffotograff heddiw yw Sedum fel gweld trwy ddarn o iâ o'n pwll (pond).
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I went back to Shibashi today, the first class of the year. New Year's Day seems such a long time ago felt strange to say 'Happy New Year' to people. I popped into 'Iechyd Da' to buy a couple of things and to thank Alwen for her advice about the chat group. It has made a big difference for me to spend an hour every week with people who speak Welsh.
Nor'dzin is writing an introduction to the Buddhist group about a craft project we did at the end of the last century. We believe it is the first craft project in our group. Nor'dzin will give her presentation on Zoom tomorrow.
My photograph today is Sedum as seen through a piece of ice from our pond.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Sedum fel y gwelir trwy ddarn o iâ o'n pwll (pond).
Description (English) : Sedum as seen through a piece of ice from our pond.
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