Aros am Thor
Aros am Thor ~ Waiting for Thor
“We are not enslaved by our lives; we are free. Being free, in this case, means simply that we have a body and a mind, and we can uplift ourselves in order to work with reality in a dignified and humorous way. If we begin to perk up, we will find that the whole universe—including the seasons, the snowfall, the ice and the mud—is also powerfully working with us. Life is a humorous situation, but it is not mocking us.”
― Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, (Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior, page 33)
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Es i am dro'r bore hwn. Efallai roedd hi'n gamgymeriad. Roedd y palmentydd yn llithrig iawn. Felly, es i yn ofalus ar draws y ffordd i'r cae cyfagos. Roedd yn gorsiog. Rydw i'n hoffi'r gors. Roedd y gors sy wedi achub ni rhag cael mwy o dai yn yr ardal. Ac yn nawr mae'r cae gyda ni ac mae'r cyngor yn plannu mwy o goed. Roedd anodd cerdded yn y tywyllwch, ond roedd hi'n well na llithro ar y palmant.
Yn ddiweddarach roed hyd yn oed yr haul, a thoddodd yr iâ. Roedd 'drip', 'drip', 'drip' wrth i'r dŵr gael ei rhyddau o'r gafael rhewllyd.
Es i am dro yn y prynhawn hefyd (wel, rhaid i mi gael fy nghamau). Roedd diddorol i ddarganfod bod y palmant a arferai fod yn beryglus yn nawr dibynadwy. Pwy a ŵyr beth ddaw yfory?
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I went for a walk this morning. Maybe it was a mistake. The pavements were very slippery. So, I carefully went across the road to the nearby field. It was boggy. I like the bog. It was the bog that saved us from having more houses in the area. And now we have the field and the council is planting more trees. It was hard to walk in the dark, but it was better than slipping on the pavement.
Later there was even the sun, and the ice melted. There was a 'drip', 'drip', 'drip' as the water was freed from the icy grip.
I also went for a walk in the afternoon (well, I have to get my steps). It was interesting to discover that the once dangerous pavement is now reliable. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Yn gynnar yn y bore, golygfa stryd, ffordd wedi'i goleuo gan lamp stryd, gyda cheir, biniau, a golau mewn dau tŷ.
Description (English) : Yn gynnar yn y bore, golygfa stryd, ffordd wedi'i goleuo gan lamp stryd, gyda cheir, biniau, a golau mewn dau tŷ.
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