
By JackyMT

Christmas present

A very long hot water bottle
I am used to wheat bags so filling  this long bottle was challenging. I am trying it tonight for the first time.

We got out for a walk this morning with the dog, it was rather chilly and slushy underfoot, a lot of the snow on the roads has gone now but there is still quite a lot left in the garden and on paths and verges. Lots of flooding shown on TV in places where they have had heavy rain.

I stripped the bed and washed the bedding today.  Then I went online to change my gas and electric from Flexible to Fixed rate as it's a bit cheaper. Every little helps.

Had some sad news today my friends husband died from Cancer just before Christmas, he was a lovely man always cheerful, she is my oldest friend, we have been friends since we were 11 she is the same age as me, (she was the one at my wedding who shoved the buffet under my dress so I could sit down) She lives in a remote cottage in the middle of a wood, I don't know what she will do now as she doesn't drive much as her eyesight is not good, but she has 2 daughters and a son and lots of grandchildren who I am sure will look out for her. To top it all her dog died 2 days after her husband, but she still has his dog who she says is stressed and looking all over for him. but as she says they will manage together.

Cold again tonight the car is frosting over, good job we have a windscreen cover.

Thats it for now good night

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