Christmas Cards all down now

Had some lovely cards this year. a lot could be used to make next years cards, just need the envelopes.

Met up with Kirsty and Jess this morning on the fields behind Lidl. Jess is in season so can't be let off her lead, but she won't do anything when on her lead, so when we were sure there were no other dogs about Kirsty let her off, well it was so funny, Jess was racing round and round, as she always does, with Kirsty shouting Jessica will you have a poo, she didn't take any notice.
Both dogs were wet through and muddy when we got back to the cars.

Otherwise a quiet day again, A bit of washing done, a few little jobs here and there but otherwise lazy day. I noticed a large pot full of miniature daffodils all starting to poke through the soil.

weather not bad frosty start otherwise dry with some sun and just a little bit of a drizzle this afternoon.

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