Street Food
So terrified am I of encountering slip slidey pavements that I reconnoitred my walk to the #26 bus stop this morning in preparation for a beach visit tomorrow. If nothing untoward happens overnight, then I should be OK to travel. I was on my way to get loose vegetables at M&S to make a chicken stew so the walk wasn’t unduly out of my way. The town was definitely quieter, the visitors had mostly gone, the students weren’t back and the Christmas decorations were coming down. We might have a breather before the Easter rush.
I bit the bullet after lunch and booked my return air fare to Orkney for my summer holiday. The flight takes an hour and 10 minutes with just enough time to drink a coffee and down a Tunnocks Caramel Wafer and it has cost me £400. I knew it would be expensive, I just hadn’t expected it to be so expensive this year. My granddaughter has just blown in for a visit and tells me she is going to Portugal for a 2 day trip at the end of the week and the air fare there and back is £90. In future I may have to forget the memories of a heavy case and the broken ankle and go by bus and ferry.
I had a cold walk round the Meadows to find today’s blip.
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