Not yet opened!
Our Christmas presents included some things from Fortnum and Mason. I have not yet opened my biscuits but my husband has! I’m still finishing up the mince pies.
Today was frosty again but I did go for a walk to watch the children playing football, their match was cancelled but they did over an hours practice with their father coaching as they were keen to do so.
I have spent quite a while sorting out paperwork from my last job. I have reduced it by about 20% to just 5 box files! but do not want to get rid of everything. I had a variety of roles over the years and also organised lots of ‘fun’ Charity events, jubilee celebrations, school journeys, assemblies, presentation evenings etc. I also did the press releases and publicity so have kept some articles from the local newspaper( those were the days when we had a weekly newspaper!) I also have a lot of photos both printed and digital. It is interesting to look back and see that in 1990’s we were not using computers that much so bulletins etc were often handwritten! Then it was dot matrix printers until eventually we had printed class lists with photos of the pupils….which I have had to shred.
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