Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Thank Goodness....

..... For Christmas trees when you suddenly realise you haven't taken any photos today!
This is the panda Josie chose for me last year. The olive wood star to the right was a gift from Joan on Christmas Day. My lovely walnut nativity from my dad is hiding in the centre and there's a Georg Jenson gold star too. The stocking bottom right is one I used as a gift tag for Freddie in 2008, not realising that would be her last Christmas. The pewter Santa is a jolly chap I picked up on a visit to London in the 90's and the angel came from Jenner's in the 80's. Lots of history in such a small area. No-one has ever accused me of not having enough decorations on my tree.
The girls slept well last night as did their mum, with no more call outs thank goodness. She sleeps well here as the house is quite quiet. They all went home, after chocolate croissants, at around 11am.
Colin and I decided to venture out to the Gyle, we came home empty handed but at least had stretched our legs. I sorted out the church intercessions rota and commemorations and sent it out to those who do intercessions when I got back. It shouldn't take long, but it does.
I've been very tired today and went for a lie down at around 3.30, the next thing I knew it was 7pm. I hope I sleep ok tonight.

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