I completely failed to see the Aurora last night, but I'm pretty impressed with the moon in the sunset looking across the road from our house tonight.
The girls arrived at 9am this morning, Katy dropped them off as she had to be in work. They arrived still in their pjs and warm boots and oodies! Gosh it was cold! We all had a lazy morning then for a treat of eggy toast for lunch, we were all dressed by then I hasten to add.... some cases (not me, honest).
After lunch Colin took the girls home for the afternoon while I headed to a nearby Costa for a meeting with the other church warden to thoroughly edit and proof read the church profiles which are almost at their final stages. We spent a good hour and a half on then, but we're almost there.
I went to M&S afterwards to return something and made the mistake of popping into the food hall. Oh my, bargains were certainly to be had. A Christmas cake for £1.40, pannetonne, shortbread all for similar prices. I bought another of their musical biscuit tins for £1 for the girls, mince pies 40p a packet, a beautiful super luxury Christmas pud (use by April) all sorts of goodies. I had to force myself to walk away as I don't actually need any of them..... tell that to the overflowing cupboard I put them into! Some are short dated but others not.
My blip was taken as I reversed into our drive (well actually just after you'll be glad to know) stunning colours and the moon beautifully posed for me .
The girls are back this evening as Katy is on call overnight. In fact she didn't make it here as she had a call to go in at 7. Their dad made sure the girls were settled before heading off for his own shift at work. She didn't get back again till almost 11pm, and that on top of a full day shift. I hope she's not called out again tonight.
Goodnight all, I see I've failed to make it before the witching hour yet again!
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