Happy new year
A very bad blip of an attempt to see the aurora from the side passage of the house. I’m glad that my blipversary was on yesterday’s blip!
I really wasn’t looking forward to getting up to walk the dog in the horrible rain and sleet this morning but Mr PHL offered to go out instead and I managed another hour in the paid of nod, finally surfacing around 10.30. Phin was exhausted as my Glasgow family have an 8 month puppy who was quite demanding of Phin’s time yesterday.
I cooked up some bacon and sausages and sat down to eat mine before everyone else came downstairs around 12. Took a few hours to get everyone fed dressed and ready to head out after the rain and sleet had finally stopped.
Mr PHL and I enjoyed a nice but muddy walk at Newbattle whilst the Spanish contingent headed into the city centre and witnessed a proposal on Carlton Hill.
Had an hour or two to chill and finish watching Its a wonderful life and Elf before we agreed to take a break from leftovers and order a curry.the Bombay chilli chicken ordered by my brother in law Peter was a most unnatural shade of green but tasted very nice. I’m sitting here catching up on blip feeling like I’m about to burst.
Here’s to a healthy, happy year for everyone.
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