
By Groggster

All Present(s) And Correct

We had a bit of a lie in after yesterday's festivie over consumption and we had no need of any breakfast as we were still stuffed from our Christmas lunch, turkey sandwiches, chocolates, biscuits, mints...the list goes on!
Me and my brother definitely felt in need of some fresh air after not leaving the house at all yesterday so we headed out for a short run in some gentle mizzle and it did feel oddly quite refreshing.
Of course, we almost immediately negated any benefits we had accrued by having a very early glass of wine - come on, it was Boxing Day after all - watching a celebrity episode of Escape To The Country with the singer Alfie Boe searching for a property in Sussex.
By then we had managed to build up an appetite for some brunch - homemade sausage rolls with deconstructed bubble and squeak (left over veg from our Christmas dinner) served slightly strangely but deliciously with crisps, sweet chilli sauce and tomato chutney.
It then felt like time for some quiet contemplation so I sat down for a closer look at the wonderful photography book my brother bought me as a Christmas present - "Between Worlds" by Harry Gruyaert with his colour saturated images taken over 40 years as he searched for what he considered to be the perfect light. 
Later, with another glass of wine in hand, we watched a lovely documentary called From Roger Moore With Love which followed the iconic actor's rise to fame through interviews with friends, family and co-stars and home-movies.
After all that 'activity' we felt in need of a rest so an afternoon snooze was squeezed in before I put the Christmas pud on to steam for a couple of hours (as we'd been far too full yesterday to fit it in yesterday). The pud was then consumed with lashings of double cream watching the Christmas special of The Piano with the irrepressible trio of Mika, Lang Lang and The Winkleman and of course the utterly glorious music.
So all the elements of a good Boxing Day were all present and correct - even more food and wine, loads of telly and an afternoon snooze rounded off with pudding and lashings of cream - what's not to love!
Just before I was about to head for a 'well earned' early night, having used up all my festive energy reserves, I realised I hadn't got my image for the day - so I just took a quick snap of the gifts I was lucky enough to receive for Christmas which included the aforementioned photography book, the Samantha Harvey booker prize winning novel Orbital, the Chloe Dalton memoir Raising Hare, a self assembly robot to add to my collection, a stripey scarf and rather randomly a tea towel depicting a stylised fox and her cubs!
I went to my bed feeling fat, happy and very lucky! :-)

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